If you are moving back home after college or another life event, you might be looking for ways to keep your imposition to a minimum. A great way to tread lightly when staying with your parents is to rent out a storage unit for most of your household items. Here are four reasons a storage unit might be a big help when moving home.
1. Don't Get Rid of Your Furnishings
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Most of us know that public storage units are designed to keep our furniture, books, and other household items safe. But if you have anything of value that is older or antique, you may be concerned about keeping it safely in a storage space. What do you do if you're out of room but need to store that valuable painting, pottery or jewelry? Read on to learn how you can keep precious antiques in great condition while still using public storage.
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When you are looking for a self storage facility, it's important to understand the type of unit you will need to store your belongings. Determining what kind of unit you get will depend on the length of time you will need to store your goods, the delicate nature of the items you want to store, and the weather conditions in your area.
The Length of Time You Need to Store Your Goods
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Your business relies on being efficient and clean. When you have a surplus of supplies or inventory, your space can become cluttered and things can be more difficult to find. Business storage can benefit you in many ways. Find out how a storage unit can actually help your business out.
Your inventory should always be kept in an area where it's easily accessible as well as organized. Business storage serves this need perfectly.
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If you are moving into a roommate situation, it might not be realistic to bring all of your household items with you. Whether your living situation is for a short time or space is limited, a storage unit can make this situation more livable. Here are four reasons having a back-up storage unit can be a smart move if you are living with a roommate.
1. Protecting Nicer Things for the Future
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